Brigitte Mouligneau
1/ What is the value of circular strategy?
Vlaanderen Circulair and VITO conducted a resilience survey among 540 entrepreneurs during the pandemic. We learned that 66% of the companies that applied circular strategies experienced few shortages (supply materials, financing, customers...). Only 2% of traditional companies could say the same.
2/ Could you explain the call for change for financing?
New business models such as product-service combinations require a new role from the world of financing. He/she starts from a business model that takes into account the societal added value of a project.
3/ How digital is important in circular?
Circular economy is about maintaining our prosperity, with a much lower use of materials, water, energy, space and natural resources. Digitization ensures that we can better monitor materials in the cycle and provide information at any time that makes reuse and high-quality recycling possible. Digital platforms to share materials, product information and knowledge (e.g. on more efficient use, maintenance, repairability, assembly, etc.) are the backbone of a circular economy.