at Econocom

Econocom is committed to ensuring
the well-being, inclusion, development
and fulfilment of all its employees.

Be the entrepreneur
of your career

Entrepreneurship is part of our DNA: we’re convinced that your courage and ability to innovate add value to our company. 

What’s our aim?
To offer growth opportunities while letting you express your creative energy. At Econocom, we offer various positions in a rich, technological and international environment: there will always be new challenges for those who dare to innovate !

your career

Supporting you
throughout your career with us

At Econocom, taking on responsibilities is encouraged and appreciated. At each stage of your carreer, we help you make use of your talents and develop them further.


Integration events – Welcome Days and Welcome Dates – are organised for new employees to discuss and share job experiences, values and HR schemes.

Regular meetings with management and HR

Annual appraisals are organised to review your latest achievements and set up new goals. This is an opportunity to analyse your individual performance. 

Professional interviews are scheduled to discuss your professional projects in the short and medium term. This is an opportunity to support your career development.

Internal mobility encouraged

All job opportunities in the group are open to internal mobility via an employee interface.
Your professional goals in the group are tracked by a dedicated HR team to help implement this internal mobility.

your training

your career and skills

Various training courses

A training offering ranging from infrastructure management (systems, networks and telecoms) to application environments and IT project management.

A training centre

This training centre informs  employees and managers about legislation and training programmes.

Innovative training schemes

With our digital training, you can improve throughout your career!

Our Femmes du Digital programme

Promoting the role of women
in digital technology

Women are still considerably under-represented in the tech and IT sector. Econocom is committed to promoting gender equality in the workplace and gives women the role they deserve.

The group is committed to several initiatives: 

The programme Femmes du Digital Econocom, which aims to recruit more women and promote their expertise in-house; 
• The signing of the #ReconversionFemmesNumérique manifesto launched  by the Syntec Numérique trade union; 
Support for different initiatives in raising the public’s awareness through the Femmes@Numérique foundation, which we’re a founding member.


Integrating young people

Giving young people
a leading role

Are you just starting your career? Are you looking for an internship or a sandwich course placement?

Do you dream of entrepreneurial venture and do you want to enjoy an initial experience in a large international group?

Join the teams at Econocom to take part in the digital transformation of firms and public organisations!

We support you in your career plan through a variety of opportunities for work placements and jobs. 

See our opportunities
Our disabilities policy

An active approach serving
people with disabilities ​​​​​​​

The disabilities department at Econocom is firmly committed to raising all employees’ awareness of the challenges of disabilities in business, especially via a dedicated e-learning platform and training courses for managerial and HR teams. 

By signing France’s manifesto for the inclusion of people with disabilities in business life and by taking part in various events on this subject, Econocom has also sought to raise its ecosystem’s awareness of this issue. 

Our challenges

With the renewal of the disability agreement in 2021, the Econocom Group is pursuing its inclusive policy around 4 major challenges. 

Recruiting new talented people with disabilities

All our recruiters are aware of the challenges faced by people with disabilities in business. 
We take part in various recruitment forums and fairs dedicated to the issue of disabilities.

Keeping our employees with disabilities in their jobs

Alongside the HR teams, occupational health workers and external service providers, we continuously support our employees with disabilities on an individual basis with a view to meeting their needs.

Raising our ecosystem’s awareness of the challenges faced by people with disabilities in business

The awareness-raising initiatives and training courses introduced for in-house players aim to change the way disabilities are viewed, both at Econocom and through the eyes of our clients. By entrusting disabled employees with assignments, we want to show that diversity is synonymous with added value and high performance. 

Developing subcontracting with the sector of employment for disabled people

To support our responsible procurement policy and our disabilities policy, we partner with centres and associations for work for people with disabilities to subcontract various services and some engineering assignments.

For further information, contact the disabilities department

Your well-being counts!

Improving your quality of life at work

Schemes for ensuring your well-being at work

With we care we cure, Econocom helps protect your health through health campaigns (nutrition, fighting smoking, vaccinations, etc.) 

Solutions for organising your work time better

The Flexi’work scheme allows you to work from home one or two days a week and therefore optimise your organisational approach while ensuring a good work-life balance.

Services for making your day-to-day life easier

Econocom offers a concierge service, sports coaching, personal care services and even private tutoring. With Easy’life, the company makes your day-to-day life easier. So make the most of it!