the econocom

Econocom designs and develops comprehensive, 
sustainable and circular digital solutions 
for end users in private and public organisations.

a comprehensive offering

Since its creation 50 years ago, the econocom group has been a pioneer in creating solutions to support the digital transformation of companies and public bodies. 

Our solutions, which focus on the development and transformation of the workplace, audiovisual & digital signage and infrastructures, also include financing for strategic assets. 

We are one of the only European players capable of coordinating and managing the full spectrum of expertise of a digital project: from helping with the choice of solution and project design, to the deployment of equipment and outsourcing, through the purchase or leasing of equipment, its customisation, the associated or managed services, and the reconditioning of end-of-life equipment.

one chain

a unique mix of complementary expertise

With its unique business model, Econocom covers the entire chain of expert fields, which helps organisations succeed with their digital transformation projects.

one team

econocom is made up of expert firms operating across all digital fields

find out more

key figures

€2.7 Bn

revenue for 2024


employees worldwide

16 countries
50 years

of experience

one spirit

three central values

Our corporate culture and our commitment to creating an innovative environment for our customers are based on values that form the foundation of our actions, behaviour and success.


Enjoying the risk of entrepreneurship, striking out into uncharted territory, innovating.

It means being daring, overcoming your fear so you can build something useful.

good faith

It’s saying what you mean and meaning what you say.

It means moving forward together in the same direction, building, adjusting, growing.

It’s “adhering to the spirit of the contract and not resorting to its black letter".



It means moving swiftly to keep pace with our clients.

It requires prompt responses to our clients’ demands.

It learning from mistakes and always improving.