Chantal De Vrieze
What do clients expect in regard to CSR impact?
Companies ask more and more for action plans to reduce emissions, for measurable SDG targets, for certificates, awards, recognitions regarding your CSR achievements. They ask for tangible environmental actions embedded in day-to-day activities instead of one-off shots.
In tenders, especially in the public sector, we see an increasing request for guaranteed buy-back of used hardware, not just in the present, but also over the lifetime of the contractual period.
What new business opportunities could emerge?
We strongly believe in 2 trends: the increase of responsible collection of used ICT hardware and the increase of 2nd hand purchasing of ICT hardware. Just as for household equipment, I am personally in favour of a duty to return used ICT equipment. Sustainable IT can bring both cost reduction and risk reduction.
Thanks to 2nd hand material, we have been able to meet the acute high needs of schools and hospitals during the corona crisis. We helped to guarantee their business continuity, to close the digital gap. We supported digital inclusivity.
Why is the duration of a partnership initiative like Télévie important?
Cancer research is crucial to improve the prevention, detection and treatment of these cancers, and to ensure that survivors live longer, better quality lives. Research also helps identify the causes of cancer and is pointing the way to improved methods of diagnosis and treatment. Thanks to the 2022 fundraising, Télévie will be able to finance 77 projects and 85 researchers.
Every year, Econocom Belux has an IT support team mobilized around the installation of more than 200 PC’s and technical on-site support of the call center.
As a responsible and ethical employer, we choose to invest in CSR projects that can make the difference in people’s lives.
We also support Pink Ribbon. With the Pink March, we motivate our employees to take at least 10.000 steps every day. Scientific research shows that a healthy lifestyle helps prevent cancer. Through these types of programs, we stimulate our employees to exercise more.