Hilde Janssens
Describe the human and societal impact of Passerelles Numériques
Passerelles Numériques brings high-quality EdTech education to underprivileged youth in Vietnam, Cambodia and The Philippines. With its classes in programming, intensive English and personal development skills, Passerelles Numériques holds enormous significance for the students, the alumni and their communities. It also connects their students with potential future employers through internships.
PN is the student’s Gateway for Life to escape poverty – by giving youngsters the means to positively change their own lives and the lives of their families and this in a structural way and in the long run!
I am proud and happy to have volunteered for PNV in Vietnam, to have experienced the positivism, professionalism, and dedication of PVN’s staff and organization.
How do our clients and partners appreciate and judge our CSR impact strategy and, more particularly, our positioning in the circular economy?
Econocom Belux is recognized amongst the active and pragmatic players in the Belux market, as thought leader when it comes down to the implementation of new business models and as-a-service partnerships, the financing of the circular economy. Customers appreciate the financial, administrative and operational solutions we bring in this respect.
Through the sharing of experiences and best practices, Econocom Belux actively contributes to and supports the circular and sustainable initiatives driven by the Institute of Sustainable IT, VOKA, Agoria, KULeuven, BLV, Febelfin, Vlaanderen Circulair, économie circulaire Wallonie – be it as a speaker, trainer, or discussion partner. Through the collaboration, inspirational exchanges, and joint value creation, Econocom Belux wishes to help to scale-up and speed-up the implementation process of the circular and sustainable economy.
Collaborating with our ecosystem to increase awareness about sustainable IT in Belgium is a daily focus and occupation. Demonstrating that all organizations can easily act to reduce their environmental footprint, with tangible gains, is essential! We are very motivated and committed to take an active role!
How would you define a company in responsible digital technology?
A company in responsible digital technology understands and implements sustainable IT together with customers and its ecosystem of business partners. It raises awareness amongst its employees around the sustainability aspects of IT and its CO2 footprint. It offers pragmatic solutions and measures the impact of its IT environment at the level of its end-user equipment, datacenter, and audio-visual devices. It discusses impacts, adaptation of processes and innovation, with its business partners within the value chain of its products and services. It creates a culture of digital sobriety and digital inclusion. It strives for quality education upskilling existing staff in terms of digital technologies. It heads for a digital world that is accessible for everyone. Sustainable IT is everyone’s business.