Cybersecurity information - Situation at 28 August 2023 (8.30 am)

press releases
published on 28-08-2023

The investigations carried out by the Econocom group confirm that the leaked information came from a service provider working on a few Econocom clients in France. To date, these investigations have shown that the vast majority of this data is not very sensitive, with the exception of the private data of a single person and the connection data for technical accounts, hosted by the service provider. Since then, our teams have been working with the identified customers to minimize the potential impact.

Based on the information about the attack gathered by our experts, we also carried out checks on Econocom's internal information system. On the evening of Friday 25 August, this analysis revealed traces of an attack identical to the one suffered by our service provider. The server involved, whose content was not particularly sensitive, was immediately isolated. Investigations carried out during the night of Friday to Saturday demonstrated that the security measures in place had prevented any leakage of information or compromise via this route. In the light of all the analyses carried out and the facts available to us at this stage, we can assume that no internal Econocom systems or data have been compromised by this second attack. 

At this stage, the impact of these events appears to be limited. However, the full diagnosis of the situation will take a few more days. it is thus advisable to remain cautious until the investigations have been completed. To ensure transparency and efficiency, we will continue to communicate regularly on this incident until it is fully resolved.