Installing a tool for monitoring and controlling heating equipment, referred to as a centralised technical management system

case studies
published on 19-03-2021

Client context

Our client had to comply with France’s decree on service-sector building renovation for better energy performance for sites with a surface area greater than 1,000m² and with the BACS (Building Automation and Control Systems) decree for sites with heating, ventilation and air-conditioning power greater than 290kW.

Beyond these two regulatory aspects, installing a centralised technical management system would help optimise consumption of fluids relating to the site’s heating and reduce the carbon footprint of running the building.

Support from Econocom

Our support firstly involved installing an on-site monitoring computer, connected to the heating equipment (boiler, air heaters, destratifiers), then setting up probes for measuring temperatures and humidity to track the atmosphere and levels of humidity in the premises.

We also trained the users so they could use the tool independently (site managers and technical coordinators).

Lastly, Econocom Green IT & Energy also helped make use of Energy Savings Certificates.

key figures


Project entirely financed by Energy Savings Certificates

10- 20 %

Heating savings