
Monitoring and Operations Service Manager

What does your job involve? 

My task is to make sure outsourced infrastructures that Econocom manages stay in good working order. To achieve this, I can count on two monitoring teams, one in Tours in France, the other in Rabat in Morocco. These teams work in three back-to-back eight-hour shifts, seven days a week. The workplace looks like a control tower, with screens everywhere for spotting anomalies. I also manage the operations team, which works preventively, for example to check that updates have been carried out. My aim is to make sure that the clauses in the managed services contract are respected. If we have to resolve an issue in under 15 minutes, it’s got to be done. And that’s my responsibility. 

What spurs you on each day?

What I love about my work is that there are always new things to learn. In my career lasting over 30 years, I’ve never been bored. The only time I started to feel fed up came two years ago. I felt I’d seen and done all I could see and do in my job. So I spoke about it with my manager and he offered me a new challenge: to help develop the Rabat monitoring centre and open the operations centre, also in Rabat. I had to align procedures, orchestrate transfers and reassure clients by showing them that the service hadn’t worsened. It was really exciting! 

Would you advise a friend to apply for a job at Econocom?

We’re really lucky to work at Econocom. There’s a wide range of jobs if you’re prepared to change region or even go abroad. There are so many prospects for career development. 
I’d also say Econocom is a company where managers trust their teams and help them mature. Or at least that’s what I’ve experienced. I’ve always held my line managers in high esteem. I’ve listened to their advice, even their criticisms, and appreciated the way they’ve trusted me. Without them, I wouldn’t have been able to do anything. I know that well. And it’s why I myself apply a management approach of placing my faith in my teams. 

How would you sum up working at Econocom?

Econocom is a place where you’re always learning and you never get bored. It’s a company that puts its faith in you. 

‘We’ve entered the era of the cloud.  I feel like I’m at the heart of the digital revolution and I want to fully experience this change. My job is evolving, and that’s something I like about it!’