Sarah Danilo
How would you describe good faith in business relationships?
Good faith is a key element that fosters a relationship of trust with one's customer. From a commercial point of view, I would say that it is the ability to establish clear rules for all, which serve as a basis for the loyalty which governs relationships. Good faith is a service that we owe to our customers, a value that permits us to analyze all situations, with mutual understanding and with the goal of arriving at a favorable agreement for all parties.
What is the impact of your activity on education?
Our business involves providing answers to digital challenges and enhancing the digital impact of research, science and health.
Sharing our successes, demonstrating the benefits, and facilitating education through digital tools allows institutions to better grasp the digital transformation and to anticipate it. Attitudes and needs are evolving, and we must understand and respond to these new practices.
Which CSR criteria does your customer emphasize?
Our customers are very sensitive to the digital pollution generated by the IT industry (greenhouse gas emissions, production of electronic waste) and are aware that this pollution peaks when hardware is being manufactured, not when it is being used. We have also been able to offer them screens that display CO2 values for each piece of equipment, to help them guide their purchases by also taking these criteria into account. They are also vigilant on the logistics and organization of our deliveries, and on the choice of the packaging and outer packaging that we use.
What is, in your opinion, a responsible company?
When we talk about a responsible company, we must systematically think globally and implement initiatives that are tied to the environment, social responsibility, and also societal responsibility.
As for the environment and sustainable development: we must deploy actions in favor of energy savings and waste management, but also make employees aware of small everyday gestures such as turning off electrical appliances and not overusing air conditioning in the office.
As for diversity, we must fight against discrimination on the basis of gender, age, disability, race, etc.
As for well-being at work, one must treat employees with respect and kindness, listen to them, take measures to reduce stress, occupational illnesses, overwork and harassment, and set up user-friendly workstations.
A responsible company is one that wills change and is committed to real, fundamental initiatives. This entails an entrepreneurial way of life that must be transparent to employees, and I do believe that Econocom is very much in sync with these responsible values.